
Wellness Box


A “Get Well” box with all the ingredients you need to fight off winter bugs! Theres enough in here to make a honey lemon drink, fire cider, garlic honey as well as Amberline’s super syrup that can be diluted in a mug of hot water.

Amberline’s turmeric and lemon syrup

Jar of raw IrishhHoney

Fresh ginger root

Fresh bulb of garlic

1 red chilli

I whole lemon

1 red onion

How to make garlic honey mash one clove of garlic with 1 tbsp of garlic and take 1 tsp a day to keep well.

How to make fire cider-In a dry clean jar place in a chill, sliced ginger root, sliced red onion, couple of cloves of garlic and a quarter of a lemon in slices. Pour over apple cider vinegar and seal the jar. After 4 weeks strain and use the remaining vinegar in everything from warm drinks, directly or in salad dressings and soups. Lasts 6 months in a fridge.

How to make ginger and lemon tea-Place a couple of slices of ginger root along with a slice of lemon into a cup and pour over boiling water. Sweeten with honey if you like.

How to use Amberlines syrup-take a tsp as required or even better mix 1-3 tsp in a cup of warm water with a touch of honey.

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